Family of Five Summer Photography · Louisville Family Photographer
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Tuesday, June 15, 2021
By Andrea Hughes Photography
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Louisville Family Photographer· Family of Five · Andrea Hughes Photography

It's always fun to photograph families that we know personally, and it's even better when they are neighborhood friends.  Jackie & John are neighbors of mine, and they hadn't had photos done in five years. So not only did they need some updated images, but they needed some that included their two-year-old Bennett for their family of five!  Since I'm a Louisville family photographer, Jackie depended on me to find a location that was in nature, had flowers in-bloom, open fields, and plenty of room for the kids to run around in.  We settled on Locust Grove, my fave!  They showed up to the shoot perfectly coordinated with outfits; and their girls, Claire and Vivian, were super excited for their pic session; something that doesn't always happen.  


Louisville Family Photographer

We played games to get Bennett smiling for photos, and a few snacks and iPhone videos in between shots kept him happy.  I had Claire & Vivian sing songs to Jackie for some sweet mother/daughter shots, and Bennett wanted to be held by John which lent itself to a great couple of father/son pics.

After a few "school portraits," since there were no school portraits this year, we let the kids loose to run around.  Sometimes those are my favorite images, because the kids are happy and free!  To Jackie & John, I hope you love your photos, and hopefully your next photo session isn't 5 years down the road. Enjoy this family of five photography!

